Teenage Abstinence

Teenage Abstinence
~ The New Cool ~

Teenage abstinence... Why? With all the sexual innuendos splattered across television, magazines and video, it's no wonder that today’s teens think that sex is an acceptable part of life and something they need to explore to be in the cool crowd.

teenage pregnancyUnfortunately most teens who have sex are not informed about birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, or how to keep themselves from becoming a statistic.  

Many people, not just teenagers,  confuse sex with love.  

People in this category need bad relationship rescue advice right away.  

If you are a young person contemplating teenage abstinence consider this:

Any birth control can malfunction since no birth control method is 100% accurate.

The chances of becoming pregnant, contracting a STD (sexually transmitted disease), or even earning the title of "the girl who puts out" increases the younger you are when you have sex.  Your chances of being labeled also increase as your number of partners increase.

The only real 100% guaranteed method is abstinence.

What is abstinence exactly?

Abstinence means that you are not participating in any sexual relations. There are no pregnancy or disease risks practicing this method.

You do not have to be a virgin in order to practice teenage abstinence. You can transition to an abstinent lifestyle at any age whether you are currently in a relationship or not.  If you are seeking relationship rescue for your bad relationship, you should consider abstaining.  This will build trust in your relationship because you and your partner will be forced to find other ways of connecting, like talking.  

Choose abstinence when the time is right for you. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.  

When you choose to stop having sex you should not feel guilty or pressured into having teen sex by your friends, peers or mate.  If they are your true friends they would respect your choice and support your decision.

Abstaining does not mean that you can’t have relationship trust. It just means the relationship will not be sexually based. If you have already had sexual intercourse it may be harder to stop.

Research shows that teens who practice abstinence are happier, get better grades and are more well rounded overall. People who practice abstinence are also more likely to connect on a mental level with their opposite sex peers.

Another great benefit of abstaining is the extra time allow you to not only develop a deeper connection with your partner/potential partner but also with yourself. Today’s teens are starting to realize the importance of choosing and living with abstinence.

Relationship Coaching Moment:

Please don't think that you are the only person considering abstaining.  If you are serious about exploring this type of lifestyle please try one or all of the following options:

  1. Talk to your parents about abstinence and ask for pointers

  2. Talk to a friend who is also abstaining... (it is not advisable to talk to a sexually active teen friend)

  3. If you are a member of a religious body check with your religious organization to see if any classes or workshops are offered to support teen abstinence

  4. Talk to a relationship coach or life coach. An experienced coach can help you sort through your feelings and give you a strategy for successfully implementing abstinence into your life.

A Note To Parents:  

If you don't feel comfortable talking to your kids about teenage abstinence, a coach can:
  • discuss the consequent of being sexually active at a young age
  • role-play with the teen in order to help teach them how to solve or react when certain situations occur in their real lives
  • brainstorm ways to get their friends involved in their decision to way 
  • help teens set and achieve goals
  • A relationship coach can also teach the importance being abstinent before marriage and how this decision can eliminate the need for bad relationship rescue 

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